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Must-Have Dating Practices For Guaranteed Success

Must-Have Dating Practices For Guaranteed Success

At some point, we have all been halted by the big question, “How do I win the game of love?” Some of us are eager to jump in and play, while others find themselves at a screeching halt from analysis paralysis; what if I say something stupid? What if they turn out to...

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Your Voice Is Your Power

Your Voice Is Your Power

I need to feel wanted. I know it’s shameful…but not really. As women, we’ve taught ourselves that it is not okay to admit when we need attention, or affection, or validation. Instead we keep these thoughts and feelings to ourselves, and pretend to live by the mantra of being strong independent women who can make it all happen for ourselves.

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Am I In Love? Or am I Attached?

Am I In Love? Or am I Attached?

Finding a solid relationship can be really hard for some people, and so when you finally meet someone who seems decent, it’s easy to want to snatch them up and not let go. I should know—I was one of those, “go on one date and instantly fall in love and stay forever,” type girls. I would always wear my heart on my sleeve, thinking this was the key to finding The One. But what I didn’t realize is that even though I was emotionally open, that did not mean we were emotionally connected.

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Signs You Have Met A High Value Partner

Signs You Have Met A High Value Partner

When I used to hang with my girlfriends and have our go-to “when are we gonna meet a good man” conversation, I used to always say, “I just want a man that’s smart, good-looking, has a good job, a good sense of humor, and knows how to cook” (because all I could do is burn microwaveable popcorn at the time).

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